Sunday, September 16, 2012

5 Tips for the overworked professional

These days it seems that the vast majority of us are running around like chickens without heads, trying so hard to get everything done and, at the end of the day, wondering why we couldn't complete the list. Assignments that are due, phone calls that need to be made, meetings that were rescheduled, bosses that never seem to be satisfied. If you’re like I used to be, there are probably days when you just wish you could run away and never look back, days when you want to scream at the top of your lungs! While I highly recommend against any of those, you should know that you’re not alone. Millions of people feel the same way. Read on to learn about 5 tips that you can try if you're feeling overworked.

Tip 1 – Take a break from electronic leashes.  Put away the ‘smart’ phone, stop the text messaging and don’t go near the computer. If you can do this every day for 30 minutes, you’ll be amazed at how refreshing it can be.

Tip 2 – Exercise hard. Make time 3 days a week to do something highly physical, like boxing, and do it until you’re exhausted.  The endorphins that this will release are amazing and the calming effects will help you stay focused.

Tip 3 – Leave your work at work. Once you’re home forget about work. Completely. No calls, no messages, no notes, no nothing.  There needs to be some space between you and the office, you never escape the works and hence you never escape the stress.

Tip 4 – Say no.  If you’re the one everyone always comes to when they need help, start saying no. It’s empowering and, unless there’s something that really is life-or-death, the person asking for help can probably handle it on their own.

Tip 5 – Don’t procrastinate. There’s nothing worse than procrastination, in my opinion (but we all fall into this cycle sometimes). When there’s something on your plate, eat it.  When there’s something on your to-do list, do it. Getting backed up at work is usually caused by procrastination, so be conscious and watch for signs.  You’ll be amazed by how much stress this will take off your shoulders, knowing that your tasks are actually done and done ahead of time.

Tip 6 – BONUS! Get a massage.  There’s nothing better than a 30 minute (or hour, if you can swing it) massage. It’s self-indulgent, sure, but you’re worth it.