What is an accountability buddy? I'd describe an accountability buddy as a trusted ally. They help to motivate and keep you on target with your personal and professional goals. An accountability buddy is someone who has your best interest at heart and helps you achieve your goals, by keeping you accountable and committed. They energize you when you need it and high five you when you reach your milestones. A true accountability buddy will be honest with you, offers advice and is always, always supportive; this encouragement keeps you moving forward.
One other important detail in having an accountability buddy is consistently scheduling meetings in person or by phone. These meetings allow you an opportunity to:
- review past actions
- vent frustrations
- combat challenges
- set goals with timelines
- brainstorm new ideas
- applaud victories
These meetings are also used to identify forward-moving actions and track progress which are critical to the accountability partnership.
I have an accountability buddy and, after each meeting, I feel confident and excited. Its also a great feeling to know I've got someone watching my back and keeping me on track. So, I challenge you to find an accountability buddy and put these practices into action! What's your experience with an accountability buddy?
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